ARTrepreneurs is a photography podcast that inspires photographers and visual artists to live their best creative lives. We talk business, we talk art, we talk about the chaotic journey through self-employment. Hosted by Michael Der. www.artrepreneurspod.com. Instagram: @artrepreneurspod
Inflation is bad, but this is way worse...
EP 109: Inflation is a real pain in the ass, but ultimately speaking, it has a relatively small impact when compared to another inflation that many of us are guilty of exercising; lifestyle inflation. While inflation may increase the price of milk and eggs by a few dollars, lifestyle inflation may cost us thousands. In this episode, I will discuss why we invite lifestyle inflation into our lives so willingly, and how to attack it if it is keeping us from our goals.
This episode is brought to you by Bay Photo Lab. For all your professional photography printing services, go to bayphoto.com for 25% off your first time order!